Frequently Asked Questions
Who can access Manchester Carers Centre’s services?
Manchester Carers Centre is part of the Carers Manchester Pathway, a group of organisations working together to support unpaid Carers across Manchester. We are the lead organisation supporting unpaid Carers in North Manchester. We do also work with Carers citywide for some of our services. Our Young Adult Carers Service for 16-25 year olds is available to Carers across Manchester.
How can I access the services on offer?
You can register with us by completing our online form, by emailing admin@manchestercarers.org.uk or by phoning us on 0161 27 27 27 0. If you have already registered with us but would like to have more information on the current services we have, either call or email us to let us know, so we can keep in more regular contact.
How can I access a Carer’s Assessment?
We do not directly facilitate Carer’s Assessments. Any adult providing care for another adult is entitled to access a Carer’s Assessment every 12 months. This assesses how your caring role affects your everyday life, and if there are any services or support that is available for you that you are not currently accessing.
We can help you access a Carer’s Assessment by sending a referral to the Carers Manchester Contact Point, who are the organisation who can arrange for you to having a Carer’s Assessment. You can also contact them directly by calling 0161 543 8000 or emailing contactpoint@carersmanchester.org.uk
What benefits am I entitled to as a Carer?
There are various benefits that you can access as a Carer, depending on what other benefits you have access to. There is a website called Entitled to, which is free to use to check your eligibility for benefits.
At Manchester Carers Centre, we do not have a Benefits Advice Service. Other organisations, such as Citizens Advice or Carers UK can provide information and advice on benefits. Carers Manchester Contact Point also have a Benefits Advisor who can offer information and support on any questions you have regarding accessing benefits. You can contact the organisation and request to be referred to the Benefits Advisor by contacting them by either phoning 0161 543 8000 or emailing contactpoint@carersmanchester.org.uk
What grants can I access?
If you are in immediate need of financial support for things like fuel, furniture or white goods, we can help you access the Carers’ Emergency Fund by sending a referral to Carers Manchester Contact Point.
Alternatively, you can search for grants that are open online on websites such as Turn2Us.
How can I access the Short Breaks Service?
If you would like to register your interest for our Short Breaks Service, contact us by email or phone so we can give you more information on our upcoming events. For our Short Breaks service, we prioritise supporting Carers who are members of our organisation. Membership is open to all Carers and is free. For more information, contact us on our reception line 0161 27 27 27 0 or email us at admin@manchestercarers.org.uk.
How can I get help for the person I care for?
Manchester City Council Adult Social Care can support the person you care for by providing a Needs Assessment. You can also contact them to request any aids or adaptations that you think will benefit the person you care for. You can contact them by phoning 0161 234 500 or by emailing mcsreply@manchester.gov.uk
For help getting access to wheelchairs, you will need to speak with your GP about being referred to the Wheelchair Service.
Where can I access support for my mental health?
Moodswings provide intense support to people with mood disorders and their friends and families. You can find out more information on their services by visiting their website, by calling them on 0161 832 3736 or by emailing info@moodswings.org.uk
You can also access online support using the Self Help website which also allows you to search for more specific local services.
Mind Manchester also offers a range of mental health support. You can see the full range of services they provide on their website or you can call 0161 769 5732.
Greater Manchester Mental Health provide a 24/7 helpline. If you need someone to talk to about your mental health, you can call 0800 953 0285 for free.
Samaritans offer support for those experiencing suicidal thoughts – you can call 0116 123 for free.
How can I become a Member and what does Membership entail?
Membership for our organisation is free. To become a full Member you must:
- Currently be an unpaid Carer OR a former unpaid Carer whose caring role ended not more than three years ago upon application;
- Be a resident of the parliamentary constituency of Manchester City or caring for someone who is a resident of the parliamentary constituency of Manchester City;
- Support the Aims, Values and work of Manchester Carers Centre;
- Have a genuine interest in Manchester Carers Centre’s work to support unpaid Carers;
- Agree to abide by Manchester Carers Centre’s Memorandum and Articles of Association
- Agree not to bring the organisation into disrepute;
- Have a genuine interest in unpaid Carers’ issues and agree to promote the organisation to unpaid Carers and others who will benefit from its services.
If your caring role ended more than 3 years ago, there is also the option to become an associate Member. Contact us for more information around Membership or to request a Membership Pack.
What help can I access during the cost of living Crisis?
Our Money and More service can support unpaid Carers to access a range of support to alleviate financial stresses, including referral to foodbanks, access to grants, connection with benefits and debt support and other relevant support. You can contact our Money and More service on admin@manchestercarers.org.uk, or complete a self-referral form.
Citizens Advice Manchester has a dedicated service which can offer Energy Advice. You can contact the team and request to speak to an Energy Advisor by calling 0808 278 7800, or you can find alternative ways to contact them online. In addition, they also offer a free, confidential, independent and impartial financial advice for those in debt.
What support can Parent Carers access?
Manchester Carers Centre services are open to parent Carers. Parent carers provide support to their children, including grown up children who could not manage without their help. The child/adult can be ill, disabled, or have mental health or substance misuse problems. If you are a parent carer please do get in touch to find out what support we can offer.
There are also a number of organisations in Manchester offering dedicated support to Parent Carers:
Talbot House specifically supports parents and Carers of people who have learning disabilities in Manchester. They offer a variety of services, such as one-to-one support, information about money and benefits, training for Carers, and Carers’ lunches. You can find more information about their organisation on their website or you can also contact them by phone on 0161 203 4095 or by emailing admin@talbot-house.org.uk.
Lifted offer support and advice to parent-carers of people with learning difficulties. Offering 1-1 support, guidance & advocacy and assistance with completing forms. They also host special calendar events, lunches, days out and walking sessions.
Manchester Parent Carer Forum (MPCF) works in partnership with the Manchester City Council as well as Health and Education settings to shape and influence services, and to ensure they are fit for purpose and meet the needs of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and their families living in Manchester. The forum aims to give parent-carers a voice and make the collective views heard in the improvement of services for children. MPCF does not provide individual one to one support to parent Carers but can signpost to relevant services.
What support can Young Adult Carers access?
At Manchester Carers Centre, we have a dedicated Young Adults Carer Service for people aged 16-25 (I CAN) who have a caring role. More information of this service can be found on the Manchester Carers Centre Services page on our website.
Where can I access more generalised support?
Manchester Carers Centre is a Network Partner of Carers Trust. Carers Trust works to transform the lives of unpaid Carers through their innovative programme work, influencing policy, undertaking research and providing specialist resources for professionals.
Citizens Advice offer information and advice covering a range of areas, such as finances, benefits, and housing. You can contact them by phone on 0808 278 7800 or you can access online support via their website.
The Carers UK website also has lots of helpful factsheets, which give information and advice on a range of issues related to Caring. These factsheets can be found on their website here.
Do you offer advocacy services?
At Manchester Carers Centre, we cannot provide advocacy support.
Voiceability offer a range of advocacy support in Manchester, including Independent Care advocates to support people to understand their rights under the Care Act and to be fully involved in decisions about any care and support they need. This includes local authority assessments, care reviews, care and support planning and safeguarding processes.
Gaddum provide a Culturally Appropriate Advocacy service to racially minoritised people ( Black, Asian, Arab and Minority Ethnic people) in Greater Manchester who are accessing Mental Health services to ensure their voice is heard. Details on their advocacy service can be found on their webpage.