Short Breaks
The continuing climate of austerity and constraints on statutory budgets has meant that unpaid Carers are being relied on more and more, and their access to breaks, respite and important social and leisure activity is more restricted with public services. In order to respond to changing needs this year Manchester Carers Centre continued to prioritise the development of the Carers Short Breaks service. This service enables Carers to take an important break from their caring responsibilities to benefit their own health and well-being.
We specialize in short breaks as Carers we work with are often at the heavy end of the caring spectrum with very limited time to themselves. We delivered a varied and enriching range of short breaks for Carers during the year. In total we offered 11 shorts breaks, 6 for Adult Carers, 5 for Young Adult Carers (16-25).
From beautiful country houses with magnificent grounds, to tranquil canal cruises, to Karaoke nights, Laughter Yoga, African Drumming and festive celebrations, we have offered something to suit every Carer and offered important respite. Carers have few opportunities to access free breaks and this service is vital to their health and wellbeing. It is a service that Carers really need and appreciate.