Manchester Carers Centre



If you are a Young Adult Carer aged between 16-25 living or caring in Manchester and would like to refer yourself for support, please use the form below and once completed send to . Family members can also use this form and complete it with the Young Adult Carer before sending.

You can find the form here: click to download

If you are a professional working with a Young Adult Carer aged between 16-25 living or caring in Manchester and would like to refer them for support from the service, please follow this link to our Online Professional Referral form

If you would like to speak to the Young Adult Carers Worker before making a referral please call the service on 0161 27 27 270 who will be happy to provide further information or advice before the referral is complete.


Manchester Carers Centre’s Young Adult Carers service provides tailored support to each individual Young Adult Carer. Where we feel the young person will benefit from additional external support we signpost and make referrals, with their permission. We work closely with a range of partners to ensure Young Adult Carers get the support they require for a range of needs. Some examples of this is counselling services, mental health organisations such as 42nd Street and Connect Support, homelessness organisations or educational or learning opportunities with The Growth Company and many more.

If you are a professional or work within a service that can offer support to Young Adult Carers or would like to support the work that we do, please get in touch by calling Manchester Carers Centre on 0161 27 27 27 0 (Mon-Thurs 10am-1pm) or emailing